Music in film aesthetics : a round table in Lausanne
Invited by the 14th International Film Festival Cinémas d’Afrique in Lausanne (2019, Switzerland) to discuss the impact and importance of music in film aesthetics, singer-songwriter Wasis Diop, and directors Joël Karekezi (The Mercy of the Jungle) and Peter Sedufia (Keteke) explored this rarely discussed theme using excerpts from their films, accompanied by producer Pedro Pimenta and director Michel K. Zongo. The round table was...
The masterclass of Amine Bouhafa in Tunis
During the Carthage Film Days 2018, the famous Tunisian film music composer Amine Bouhafa answered questions from the festival’s Director of Communication, Hisham Ben Khamsa. A full transcript of the interview is available below. The film excerpts are to be found on the video of the meeting (timecodes indicated), which is a summary and therefore includes only certain passages of the exchanges and films: The film...
The Masterclass of Ladj Ly in Dakar
(translated by Madelyn Colvin from the article in french on Africultures) Ladj Ly et Djebril Zonga presented Les Misérables as a preview showing at the Dakar Court Film Festival on December 12th, 2019. The following day, Ladj Ly responded to questions in a fully-packed room at the French Institute of Dakar, notably those of young filmmakers taking part in the festival’s workshop “Talents 2019.” The session was preceded by the...
The Mastersclass of Euzhan Palcy in Dakar
(Test in french on the Africultures website) Euzhan Palcy presided over the jury at Dakar Court, which was held in Dakar from the 9th to 14th of December 2019. She accepted to come back to lead a masterclass and to respond to questions posed by the young cinephiles participating in the workshop “Talents 2019” who had been keenly following the events of the festival. Olivier Barlet: Thank you, Euzhan Palcy, for taking the time to do...
Etats des lieux de l’exploitation et de la distribution en Afrique francophone face à la crise du coronavirus
Une table-ronde réunissait le 9 décembre 2020 lors des 4e Rencontres du cinéma francophone en Afrique (organisées par Unifrance durant le festival Dakar court 2020) exploitants et distributeurs sur la question de l’exploitation en Afrique : les multiplexes, les salles mono-écrans et celles de l’Institut français. Une telle table-ronde avait déjà eu lieu en 2019, mais en cette année si particulière, un nouvel acteur permet...